Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: vaccines

  • Everything you need to know about the MonkeyPox virus right now.

    Everything you need to know about the MonkeyPox virus right now.

    Monkeypox is a viral disease that occurs mostly in central and western Africa. It is called monkeypox because it was first identified in laboratory monkeys, while studying the effect of smallpox and smallpox vaccines on monkeys. Transmission of monkeypox virus occurs when a person comes into contact with the virus from an animal, human, or materials contaminated with the…

  • Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus

    Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus

    Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus, and buried their heads in the sand. So what if 50 people a day die from Covid19? Most of them are old, and a few young people, so what, we have already killed lots of young people with the vaccine? 50 deaths a day and…

  • Did we make HIV as well?

    Did we make HIV as well?

    This article proposes a series of experiments to determine if cows and sheep could be used as animal models for HIV-1, the AIDS virus. To justify this effort, a substantial case is presented that HIV-1 is a natural recombinant of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) and Visna Virus. This natural recombinant may have been inadvertently transferred…

  • North Korea has covid19 outbreak

    North Korea has covid19 outbreak

    North Korea has reported that it has had a covid19 outbreak. North Korea’s borders have been tightly sealed since January 2020 to keep the virus out, making it even more isolated from the rest of the world, than usual. But the Omicron variant somehow found its way in. The source of the outbreak has not…

  • Nasal sprays are becoming popular given that vaccines have failed.

    Nasal sprays are becoming popular given that vaccines have failed.

    I personally endorse the use of other medicines, herbs, or drugs that help fight of suppress the coronavirus SARS-CoV2. Recently nitric oxide has been hailed on twitter as a new possibility to fight the coronavirus. I am not too sure about the claims and what they mean, eg, “New Enovid Kills 99.99% of viruses within…

  • WA reports 10,000 covid19 cases a day, compared to India’s 3500 cases a day.

    WA reports 10,000 covid19 cases a day, compared to India’s 3500 cases a day.

    Western Australia has 3 times more cases a day than the whole of India, which has a population of 1.38 billion people. https://lagyan.com/current-affairs/news/india-reports-3275-new-covid-19-cases?fbclid=IwAR0Ht-0B4tnMK2igXaumB-l_ksAHXkFo9QufA6do8l3buq6XDyQ2oQ4ybis Say that again. What does this tell you about how the pandemic is being handle in Western Australia (and Australia) where >98.9% (over 16) are fully vaccinated? WA having 10,000 covid19 cases…

  • Why is China so keen to stay #zerocovid?

    Why is China so keen to stay  #zerocovid?

    There are lots of reasons, and I believe Australia should have stayed #zerocovid as well. People could have still travelled etc but they would just have to quarantine when they came home. For many it could have been home quarantine. Back to China. Why are they so keen to stay zerocovid? The coronavirus is a…

  • Australia thinks herd immunity is possible. It is not.

    Australia thinks herd immunity is possible. It is not.

    When Australia started to mandate the vaccine, it must have thought herd immunity was possible but it was not, and that was with the delta variant in August/ September/October 2021. I have calculated that the R naught value of delta variant is about 12.5. Here is a graph I circulated lat year. Th R naught…

  • The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    This pandemic was/is the worst mismanaged catastrophic event in human history imaginable, and it is not over yet. We had 3 great chances to end the pandemic by starving the virus completely. Without human contact the virus has nowhere to go and is eliminated. The virus should also have never been made in the first…

  • With no Effective Vaccine they will let the coronavirus rip in Australia, just for the bloody election.

    With no Effective Vaccine they will let the coronavirus rip in Australia, just for the bloody election.

    I have written about this before but we need to raise it again given that they (the dumb politicians) have decided to remove most mandates and restrictions in most states in Australia because of the federal election. No party wants to look like they are Nazi’s or dictators. The one mandate that was supported by…