Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Nasal sprays are becoming popular given that vaccines have failed.

I personally endorse the use of other medicines, herbs, or drugs that help fight of suppress the coronavirus SARS-CoV2.

Recently nitric oxide has been hailed on twitter as a new possibility to fight the coronavirus. I am not too sure about the claims and what they mean, eg, “New Enovid Kills 99.99% of viruses within 72 hours.” 72 hours might be too late. Anyhow here are 2 articles on this new nasal spray. One is a site to buy it from. You probably cannot buy it if the TGA has not approved it, and it looks way too expensive to me anyhow and I really am not sure about the claims.



Personally I mask up when I go indoors. And before leaving my house I vaporise some dried dandelion leaves, and inhale into my lungs and breathe out through my nose. Search my blog for the magic of dandelions. Click on my name to get search bar. There is a compound in the leaves of dandelions which blocks ACE2 receptors through which SARS-CoV2 enters. So I am wearing a second mask in effect.


Here is a blog for dandelions.


When I get home after being out I flush my nasal cavity with VICKS “First defence”. It coagulates anything in your nasal area and then you eject it or swallow it. Swallowing the coronavirus will not get you sick as the the hydrochloric acid in your stomach will destroy it. I use to gargle with Betadine diluted to 1 part in 20 water but now I see that the nasal spray effectively runs down my throat as well.

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