Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: zerocovid

  • Taiwan chose to live with covid, just like Australia.

    Taiwan chose to live with covid, just like Australia.

    Seeing the hardship endured by the Chinese people in Shanghai, Taiwan which has roughly the same population as Australia decided to lift most restrictions and live with the virus. I would suggest more Taiwanese are wearing masks than Australians, who are completely complacent and so far in this pandemic has been lucky, lucky that omicron…

  • Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus

    Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus

    Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus, and buried their heads in the sand. So what if 50 people a day die from Covid19? Most of them are old, and a few young people, so what, we have already killed lots of young people with the vaccine? 50 deaths a day and…

  • Director General of WHO wants China to lift lockdowns, but at what cost? 100,000 deaths a day?

    Director General of WHO wants China to lift lockdowns, but at what cost? 100,000 deaths a day?

    The WHO wants China to end lockdowns because global companies are being affected. hmm. Do not trust the WHO to manage a Pandemic Response Treaty. They mucked this one up.

  • Why is China so keen to stay #zerocovid?

    Why is China so keen to stay  #zerocovid?

    There are lots of reasons, and I believe Australia should have stayed #zerocovid as well. People could have still travelled etc but they would just have to quarantine when they came home. For many it could have been home quarantine. Back to China. Why are they so keen to stay zerocovid? The coronavirus is a…

  • The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    This pandemic was/is the worst mismanaged catastrophic event in human history imaginable, and it is not over yet. We had 3 great chances to end the pandemic by starving the virus completely. Without human contact the virus has nowhere to go and is eliminated. The virus should also have never been made in the first…

  • What is going to happen in China?

    What is going to happen in China?

    China is in a real tight spot right now. It wants to maintain #zerocovid for good reason but omicron seems to be so infective and it has some of the densest population areas in the world, and more importantly most of these areas live and work inside where aerosols are most active. 97% of all…

  • How many people around you are carrying covid19 right now in WA?

    How many people around you are carrying covid19 right now in WA?

    There will always be a large virus pool from which new variants will form, so even if people develop immunity to one variant they will not be immune to new variants. This virus can become weaker one year but more deadly the year after.