Everything you need to know about the MonkeyPox virus right now.
Monkeypox is a viral disease that occurs mostly in central and western Africa. It is called monkeypox because it was first identified in laboratory monkeys, while studying the effect of smallpox and smallpox vaccines on monkeys. Transmission of monkeypox virus occurs when a person comes into contact with the virus from an animal, human, or materials contaminated with the…
Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus
Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus, and buried their heads in the sand. So what if 50 people a day die from Covid19? Most of them are old, and a few young people, so what, we have already killed lots of young people with the vaccine? 50 deaths a day and…
Did we make HIV as well?
This article proposes a series of experiments to determine if cows and sheep could be used as animal models for HIV-1, the AIDS virus. To justify this effort, a substantial case is presented that HIV-1 is a natural recombinant of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) and Visna Virus. This natural recombinant may have been inadvertently transferred…
WA is the epicentre of Covid19 in the world and no masks
Western Australia keeps smashing it’s own world record. 17,057 new covid19 cases today. That is like 170,000 in Australia, 2.08 million cases a day in the USA, 8.82 million a day in India and people are completely fearless or stupid. 90% are not wearing masks and most that are are wearing surgical masks on their…
70.8% of all Covid deaths in Australia have been in 2022 (from Omicron) whilst most people are vaccinated as well.
From graphs above we can conclude that from1 March 2020 to 1 January 2022 that 87.52 per million people died from covid19, so multiplying by the population of Australia (25.69 million) tells us that 87.52 x 25.69 = 2248 people died of covid19. from 1 January 2022 to 12 May 2022 (THIS YEAR!!) (299.28 –…
Morrison did NOT save Australia from Covid. Quite the opposite is true.
Scott Morrison is a complete moron and liar. He is claiming he saved Australia from covid19 in the article in the Guardian, but the complete opposite is actually true. He has devastated the Australian economy by opening up the borders after forcing the hotel quarantine system to crumble. He then forced upon the public, experimental…
The lies about vaccine mandates are coming out.
I have been against “vaccine mandates” since all this BS started in Australia last year. My main reasons are that it violates the most basic of human rights in one should be allowed to choose what goes into their bodies. The second, and main reason is that ALL covid vaccines contain the spike protein which…
North Korea has covid19 outbreak
North Korea has reported that it has had a covid19 outbreak. North Korea’s borders have been tightly sealed since January 2020 to keep the virus out, making it even more isolated from the rest of the world, than usual. But the Omicron variant somehow found its way in. The source of the outbreak has not…
Why does Australia have so many excess deaths and why did it stop reporting excess deaths?
Australia is on top of the charts in the world when it comes to covid cases per capita, and these cases will be followed by more deaths. We can expect more deaths in Australia to come. Or perhaps Australia is hiding its covid deaths like it has done before. And why is Australia not sharing…
Australia makes deal with Moderna to make 100 million vaccines a year for 10 years.
100 million mRNA vaccines a year for 10 years. Say what?