Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

WA is the epicentre of Covid19 in the world and no masks

Western Australia keeps smashing it’s own world record. 17,057 new covid19 cases today. That is like 170,000 in Australia, 2.08 million cases a day in the USA, 8.82 million a day in India and people are completely fearless or stupid. 90% are not wearing masks and most that are are wearing surgical masks on their chins.
It will hit home when the deaths start to rise and they will. Today WA had 7 deaths and Australia 51.

The premier Mark McGowan removed the mask mandate when a crappy newspaper (The Sunday Times, which is like the Daily Mirror in the UK, or worse) did a survey saying that close to 90% of West Australians did not like wearing masks. Mask mandates were removed on 29 April and on that day 10 people died. Since then the cases have gone through the roof.

Here are some of my blogs with the search “deaths rise”


This is plain crazy, and it is all show until the federal election on 21 May 2022, or perhaps even beyond as these people think Omicron is mild and have completely ignore the fact that it is a bioweapon and complete disregard for #longcovid.

I expect WA will be having 20 deaths a day on a regular basis soon, that is for a State with a population of 2.67 million people.

People have been so use to having #zerocovid for 2 years and just want their normal lives back but this is heading towards a disaster. Lots of people have stopped having the booster and only those who are mandated are having it.

With winter just around the corner, covid will surge again because the virus likes cooler weather and we will also have to deal with Flurona (Flu + Covid). These dual infections will kill a lot of the elderly, who we originally sought out to protect. All of this is happening because we have a federal election this Saturday and it is popular not to have masks as that is what the public want, plus you cannot see the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 like you can see effects of #MonkeyPox.

Ambulances are overloaded with work and people are also dying from other causes now. The premier Mark McGowan is reluctant to bring back mask mandates now because of the popularity for no masks and the federal election. He does not want his party to look like the bad guys before the federal election.

Here is my neat little video on how covid19 spreads.

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