Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: bioweapon

  • Covid-19 doubling every 32 days atm in Australia

    Covid-19 doubling every 32 days atm in Australia

    Considering that the original Wuhan strain was doubling every 3 to 4 days when it hit Europe and the USA it is amazing that Australia has it’s doubling time out to 32 days, or is it? It turns out that is the shortest doubling time for any country bar Macao, which is in China no?…

  • Covid is real. The ‘awake’ are sleep walking.

    Covid is real. The ‘awake’ are sleep walking.

    I am not pro-vax. I am a scientist though. I chose not to get vaccinated because of the science not because of any political bs. That aside covid is real and lots of people are needlessly dying, and a lot of fools who claim they are “awake” are fools. They are still sleeping. There is…

  • Australians are dumb, SARS-CoV2 was made in a lab as a bioweapon.

    Australians are dumb, SARS-CoV2 was made in a lab as a bioweapon.

    I am not too happy Australia has just let covid rip like it is a common cold/flu, because it is not. It was made in a lab and as a bioweapon. That is well established now. Immunity to one variants does not give immunity to other variants. We will suffer the implications later as new…

  • Is this Monkeypox virus bio-engineered?

    Is this  Monkeypox virus bio-engineered?

    This Monkeypox virus in Europe and America is very different to the Monkey Pox virus last seen back to 2018-19. There are too many mutations for it to be natural. Read below. “There are 50 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms): 50 changes in the genetics of the virus from the last isolated samples in Europe in…

  • All the Premiers and clowns in Australia who mandated the experimental covid vaccine should end up in jail

    All the Premiers and clowns in Australia who mandated the experimental covid vaccine should end up in jail

    The Premiers and CHO’s in every state of Australia mandated an experimental vaccines on the public that had not been properly tested and even recommended or allowed children to have it as well. None of what happened and is still going on now in Australia and Western Australia is justified by science. “Vaccine mandates” are…

  • WA is the epicentre of Covid19 in the world and no masks

    WA is the epicentre of Covid19 in the world and no masks

    Western Australia keeps smashing it’s own world record. 17,057 new covid19 cases today. That is like 170,000 in Australia, 2.08 million cases a day in the USA, 8.82 million a day in India and people are completely fearless or stupid. 90% are not wearing masks and most that are are wearing surgical masks on their…

  • “Monkeypox” virus outbreak in the UK (and Nigeria) 7 in UK, 8 in Spain

    “Monkeypox” virus outbreak in the UK (and Nigeria) 7 in UK, 8 in Spain

    update 20May 2022: Since the recent UK cases were identified, 23 suspected cases have been identified in Spain, and five in Portugal, where at least 20 further cases are suspected. People would take the coronavirus bioweapon more seriously is they knew it was a bioweapon made in a lab with at least 4 genetic insertions…

  • Mask mandate directly linked to covid surge in WA. And a big WARNING!

    Mask mandate directly linked to covid surge in WA. And a big WARNING!

    I won’t say too much about the fact that we may need to now wear masks for the rest of our lives. I warned about this before they opened up the borders and let the virus rip.

  • Why is China so keen to stay #zerocovid?

    Why is China so keen to stay  #zerocovid?

    There are lots of reasons, and I believe Australia should have stayed #zerocovid as well. People could have still travelled etc but they would just have to quarantine when they came home. For many it could have been home quarantine. Back to China. Why are they so keen to stay zerocovid? The coronavirus is a…

  • The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    This pandemic was/is the worst mismanaged catastrophic event in human history imaginable, and it is not over yet. We had 3 great chances to end the pandemic by starving the virus completely. Without human contact the virus has nowhere to go and is eliminated. The virus should also have never been made in the first…