New multiple Covid variant waves hit Australia
A few variants are currently active in Australia. BA.5.2, BA.5.2.1 and BA.4.6 have been active for a few months, but they are joined by the variants BA.2.75.2, BQ.1, BQ.1.1, BF.7 and XBB.1. The latter are all considered variants of concern in their own right, like omicron. delta and alpha. The WHO just got lazy giving…
Australian Government Authorities announce that the pandemic is back. Huh?
About 2 weeks after I noted that the XBB variant is coming and that it is a recombinant variant, the Australian government authorities have started making announcements about a potential new wave of covid due to the XBB recombinant variant. It is interesting that they say it is our fourth wave whereas it is our…
4000 adverse reactions to covid vaccines listed on TGA website.
The covid vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. There are about 4000 adverse reactions listed on the Australian TGA website DAEN for covid vaccines. With hundreds to thousands, and potentially tens of thousands of deaths, from the vaccines, the only safe thing to say as a scientist is that they are deadly and dangerous. Why they…
Reported covid vaccine deaths to TGA from brave doctors.
Take the covid vax for your community.Take the covid vax to protect your family. From the TGA website Database of Adverse Event Notifications – medicines for covid medicines/vaccines. This is a list of the main causes of deaths from that website. And do not forget that this is from reports made by doctors who were…
Covid19 results in synaptic pruning. New variants evermore immune-evading.
The biggest news for me is clearer signs of brain damage, at this stage mainly concerning the connections between neurons. We are now thinking that “brain fog” which has been associated with #longcovid may also be a result of synaptic loss. https://theconversation.com/long-covid-how-lost-connections-between-nerve-cells-in-the-brain-may-explain-cognitive-symptoms-192702?s=07&fbclid=IwAR045Sc6jarXfaZ0wi9mvRSRtx6NgZWSYMFZnzxiwwz67AdwNnhPIdt9QEw The other big news is that the variants are still evolving and mutating.…
First Cruise Liner to dock in Perth for nearly 3 years has confirmed 100 people infected with Covid on board
Australia has pretended that covid has vanished like a miracle, but is not concerned about a passenger cruise liner docking in Perth. They are blatantly contradicting themselves to express when we do not have mask mandates inside. Space inside a ship is probably a bit more confined and conducive for spread of covid but the…
Twitter does not have to respect Australian law. Nor does Facebook. ??
How do I know? I took twitter to court to get access to my tweets after they suspended me and would not tell me how long I was suspended for. Magistrate Mark Millington of the Midland Magistrates Court ruled that “Twitter Australia” is not Twitter. If I have a problem with Philips Electrical, I sue…
Graph excess deaths Australia