Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

The best spin bowler in the world, Shane Warne, died in vain

You seriously could not make this shit up.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has revealed it did not know of heart risks until five months after approving vaccines for use.

So this means that they knew in May 2021.

So why did they not stop the vaccines then?

And how about Prof. John Skerritt of the TGA who has been hiding child deaths from the get-go? Why did the TGA allow it to continue?

Not only did they allow the vaccines to continue, knowing of these risks, but also they allowed the unjustifiable mandating to go ahead and said nothing. Scientists had already old them herd-immunity was no long possible.

And how about the Chief Medical Officer of Australia, Prof. Paul Kelly, and his off-sider ex-CMO Brendan Murphy? They would have known, and so would all of the Chief Health Officers of the 8 states and territories of Australia too, as well as all of the Premiers of all the states they advised. They all knew. And the Premiers mandated the toxic vaccine like Nazis. Daniel Andrews, Mark McGowan, and Michael Gunner got much pleasure in using the vaccines as a passport to “freedoms”, like they were slave masters. They should all face criminal charges.

Meanwhile, they (EVERYONEW!!) Shane Warne to have a booster and die in Bali of a heart attack.

To make things even worse, in 2022 they all approved the vaccine for children aged 12-16, then 5 to12, followed by 6 months to 5 years. What the fuck? Seriously.?!

Most people knew about the whistle blowers in the USA Dept. of Defence who had data that showed that heart issues had risen by some 400%. The same is true of cancers and miscarriages. Not only did they not stop the bullshit, that was going on, they knowingly mandated it and introduced vaccine passports.

And at the same time the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) silenced all doctors and scientists, who spoke up about vaccines and their ineffectiveness, and threated deregistration and termination of employment, for anyone who did not comply. They would have known all of this too, but chose to push the dishonest narrative onto inquisitive minds. How stupid were they now?

The same goes for social media and the media in general. They punished anyone who spoke out, and told big fibs. I am still in Facebook jail. I am still permanently suspended from twitter for telling people that the Astazeneca vaccine had a low efficacy and was causing harm to people, such as blood clots and Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Re media: whenever someone died unexpectedly (eg young and healthy) they all jumped onto the SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) bandwagon. Shame on all of them. The blood is all over their grubby little hands.

My government turned me into an anti-vaxxer. How could I ever trust them again after all of this? And fuck the general media. I have thrown away my television.

And they are still carrying on with the lies. Unbelievable.

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