Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: virus

  • XBB is a recombinant variant

    XBB is a recombinant variant

    XBB is a recombinant variant, which means it was not derived from a mutation but from the crossover of 2 Omicron subvariants BA.2.75 and BA.2.10.1. Experts are saying they are not concerned about XBB but that is just guessing as there are changes in the SARS-CoV-2 virus that are not just limited to the spike-protein,…

  • Mystery deadly pneumonia (1 in 3 deaths so far) hits Argentina

    Mystery deadly pneumonia (1 in 3 deaths so far) hits Argentina

    #SAARS (Severe Argentinian Acute Respiratory Syndrome) So far 9 cases (8 health care workers and 1 patient) of this disease have been identified and 3 of them have died, with bi-lateral pneumonia. The others were all in critical condition. One looks to be recovering. Patients present with an aggressive pneumonia. Most appear to be medical…

  • The European monkeypox (EMPX) is still predominately tied to men having sex with men

    The European monkeypox (EMPX) is still predominately tied to men having sex with men

    I must admit I am taken aback a bit in that with the world case numbers around 45,000, and the USA at 15,000 cases of EMPX that it would have sneaked out into the general community by now, but is has hardly done so (see data below) and may be more of a sexual disease…

  • Parkinson’s disease and covid19

    Parkinson’s disease and covid19

    This is probably one of the main reasons I still do not want to get covid19. Could Covid19 lead to Parkinson’s disease in people just like the 1918 (Spanish) Flu did, some 4 to 8 years after. This chap is the expert on Parkinson’s but I think I can update him by saying that we…

  • Is pox crossover possible? Could viruses be the origin of sex in species?

    Is pox crossover possible? Could viruses be the origin of sex in species?

    We know that monkeypox virus does not mutate much (being a DNA virus) but can it recombine or crossover with the monkeypox virus from Nigeria or Congo? And what about other orthopoxviruses in animals, or even the small pox vaccine if they still use cowpow or vaccinia. The problem will be exacerbated if animals get…

  • Governors of California and New York call State of Emergency over Monkeypox #MPX

    Governors of California and New York call State of Emergency over Monkeypox #MPX

    This might go bananas with states of emergencies. Are they going to mandate vaccines? Are they gong to call for lockdowns? Do they have any plan? Do they know what they are doing? The politicians made a right old mess with the covid19 pandemic. They did not follow the science but a path to empower…

  • WHO declares MPX an International Health Emergence

    WHO declares MPX an International Health Emergence

    I have been watching the numbers and they have been growing steady on a reclining exponential curve for 2 months. I would have called it a major concern months ago. Fortunately no-one in the rich countries has died from monkeypox but according to the WHO 5 people have died in Africa. I do not know…

  • New deadly nose-bleed virus found in Tanzania.

    #BREAKINGNEWS Scientists are trying to identify this new virus which leads to nose bleeds and results in death. It is in the same family as Ebola, Malburg and Lassa Fever but is new. Note much in known so far except that is is a haemorrhagic fever like virus but it is not Ebola or Malburg. So…

  • Monkeypox slowing but still growing

    Monkeypox slowing but still growing

    The monkeypox virus doubling time has slowed again. Now it is about 11.5 days. The last estimate about 2 weeks ago had it at 9.5 days. This slowing of the spread of monkeypox is due to actions being taken in Europe and North America where those with symptoms and close contacts are quarantined. I believe…

  • MPXV update 24 June 2022