Excess deaths in Australia are up by a lot
This is from a site that tracks excess deaths in countries. Here is the link. https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=104676 These deaths are on top of covid19 deaths. Australia was averaging about 400 deaths a year to covid at the start of 2022, so what are all these other deaths? There are 400 to 1000 more each week. There…
Taiwan chose to live with covid, just like Australia.
Seeing the hardship endured by the Chinese people in Shanghai, Taiwan which has roughly the same population as Australia decided to lift most restrictions and live with the virus. I would suggest more Taiwanese are wearing masks than Australians, who are completely complacent and so far in this pandemic has been lucky, lucky that omicron…
Does influenza vaccine increase risk of covid and vice versa?
The answer to the former question is yes. If you have the Influenza vaccine it interferes with your immune system to respond to covid19. This data came from looking at military personal who were vaccinated in the 2017-2018 period. What they found was that there was a 36% increase in your getting covid if you…
Can nasal breathing reduce the risk of getting covid19, reduce illness and ease stress?
This is interesting. Thx Alison Peta for telling me about it. Apparently, Nitric oxide (NO) is released in the nasal airways in humans. During inspiration through the nose this NO will follow the airstream to the lower airways and the lungs. Nasally derived NO has been shown to increase arterial oxygen tension and reduce pulmonary vascular resistance, thereby…
70.8% of all Covid deaths in Australia have been in 2022 (from Omicron) whilst most people are vaccinated as well.
From graphs above we can conclude that from1 March 2020 to 1 January 2022 that 87.52 per million people died from covid19, so multiplying by the population of Australia (25.69 million) tells us that 87.52 x 25.69 = 2248 people died of covid19. from 1 January 2022 to 12 May 2022 (THIS YEAR!!) (299.28 –…
The lies about vaccine mandates are coming out.
I have been against “vaccine mandates” since all this BS started in Australia last year. My main reasons are that it violates the most basic of human rights in one should be allowed to choose what goes into their bodies. The second, and main reason is that ALL covid vaccines contain the spike protein which…
Why does Australia have so many excess deaths and why did it stop reporting excess deaths?
Australia is on top of the charts in the world when it comes to covid cases per capita, and these cases will be followed by more deaths. We can expect more deaths in Australia to come. Or perhaps Australia is hiding its covid deaths like it has done before. And why is Australia not sharing…
Australia makes deal with Moderna to make 100 million vaccines a year for 10 years.
100 million mRNA vaccines a year for 10 years. Say what?
WA has deliberately removed the mask mandate because they think herd immunity is possible.
This article says it all. They expect daily case numbers to hit 25,000 per day. That will be like the USA having 3 million cases a day and India 12.5 million cases a day. They must think they will get herd immunity but as I have explained before that is impossible, and I expect they…
What brain injury or disease will follow covid19 and vaccines?
We know that the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 as well as the spike protein can enter the brain, and we know that Parkinson’s disease followed the 1918 flu for some 8 years after. The question is what neurological or brain injury/disease will follow covid19 and/or the vaccines. I have just collected together some new papers and articles…