Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: #letitrip

  • Russia said it had killed about 23,000 Ukrainian troops. Australia has killed 10,039 of its own people.

    Russia said it had killed about 23,000 Ukrainian troops. Australia has killed 10,039 of its own people.

    I am constantly trying to alert people to how many Australians are dying to covid19 because we are letting Covid19 rip in Australia. Most may have been old or unwell but did NOT want to die. What if you were one of these people?We will kill more in a year than in all of WW2.…

  • Train derailed in Australia. 46 people dead. 3645 injured

    Train derailed in Australia. 46 people dead. 3645 injured

    Today 46 people died from covid19 and 3645 were injured. And the same is expected tomorrow and every day after that. Assuming a #longcovid rate of 10%. That is the reality of what is happening and nobody cares.

  • The lies about vaccines and the cover-up of the disaster of living with covid continue

    This is disgraceful. This is from the NSW Covid-19 Critical Intelligence Unit “The final issue of the COVID-19 Monitor was published by the Agency for Clinical Innovation on Thursday 26 May 2022. Previous editions will remain accessible on this website.” Meanwhile about 50 people are dying a day (0.15% CFR) and 5000 people are being…

  • The Vaccine Mandates must end Immediately

    The Vaccine Mandates must end Immediately

    I have been against the vaccine mandates from the start because they violate human rights and are experimental. In addition is was clear even then that #vaccinehavefailed. In January I used the NSW data (thank God for the COVID-19 Critical Intelligence Unit) to show that in the first week on January 98.6% of all covid19…

  • A Boeing 747 is crashing every week and all passengers are dying

    A Boeing 747 is crashing every week and all passengers are dying

    Australia is losing 50 to 70 people a day to covid. This is more than a Boeing 747 crashing EVERY WEEK and all passengers are dying. A Boeing 747 has about 410 seats. 60 deaths a day is 420 a week. What is worse is that this number is steadily increasing. Australia went from #zerocovid…

  • #LetItRip Australia

    Australia went from #zerocovid to one of the deadliest places on Earth in 9 months. The other day Australia had 57 covid deaths from a total of 918 in the world. That is 5.8% of all covid deaths in the world are in Australia. For each death there will be more than 100 times #longcovid…

  • What is the difference between Taiwan, Portugal and Australia

    What is the difference between Taiwan, Portugal and Australia

    Taiwan is fighting with the deadlier variant BA.2.2 that swept Hong Kong and got into China. Hence more deaths. Portugal is dealing with the more virulent BA.5.1, which is only just starting to grow in Europe and Australia. Holding it’s own against BA.5. Australia is play pretend there is no covid. #letitrip Below, you can…

  • 3 new emerging serious issues with SARS-CoV2.

    3 new emerging serious issues with SARS-CoV2.

    The first is that infection does not stop you from getting re-infected with the new omicron variants. The record for reinfection I believe is 8 days now. It is also becoming apparent that the more you get infected, the greater the damage that covid19 can do to you. In other words, repeated infections act cumulatively.…

  • McGowan thinks 1800-3600 deaths a year is okay. #Letitrip

    McGowan thinks 1800-3600 deaths a year is okay. #Letitrip

    In Western Australia, there are about 5 to 10 deaths a day, and the numbers are rising as well. This is 1800 to 3600 deaths a year in WA, and Premier McGowan wants to stop doing daily updates. This is plan ridiculous. It was okay to publish daily data when it was zeros but not…

  • Australia is number one in Covid and Stupidity

    Australia is number one in Covid and Stupidity

    Australia is number one in the world with respect to covid hotspots and Western Australia is number one in Australia. 9 months ago Australia was zerocovid. Now it is let it rip. We can live with 50 deaths a day or more. It is just like a Boeing 747 crashing once a week and everyone…