Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: covid

  • Longcovid


    Most Australians were deceived by their governments. (I preciously have “Australians are morons for allowing covid in”, but had to change it as Facebook gave me 29 days jail for saying that even though, I am Australian. It was deemed against community standard, “hate-speech”. Wtf?) We were zerocovid for 18 months and then Scott Morrison…

  • Serious anomaly in excess deaths in Australia

    Serious anomaly in excess deaths in Australia

    Excess deaths in Australia have been going up since they allowed covid in and since they started rolling out the vaccine, so do either of these play a part. In the first 5 months of 2022, Australia had 12-16% more deaths than the historical average. The exact number depends on who is telling the story.…

  • Covid Wave number 7 is upon us in Australia

    Covid Wave number 7 is upon us in Australia

    Sigma (BA.2.75.*) is in Australia and has been for over a month but is now starting to grow in prevalence compared to Pi (BA.5.*). Don’t forget to get that fifth jab in. Klaus Schwab recommends it. The nomenclature is a bit confusing. Greek letters should have been assigned to BA.2.* (Rho), BA.5.* (Pi) and now…

  • Who is actually dying “from” covid. The very old. So why vaccinate children?

    Who is actually dying “from” covid. The very old. So why vaccinate children?

    This data comes straight out of NSW. You can see that the older people are dying and almost all of them would be vaccinated. I see no reason why we are vaccinating young people, especially children, given that the vaccines are hardly effective against omicron, and appear to wane to negative efficacy very quickly to…

  • Have I just stumbled onto how some vaccine deaths are hidden in the system?

    Have I just stumbled onto how some vaccine deaths are hidden in the system?

    Let me tell you how I came to this conclusion. I was always mystified how come so many unvaccinated were dying from covid19 in comparison when hardly any of them went to hospital or ICU. Did they die in a nursing home? No. People in nursing homes would have been forcibly vaxxed, 4 doses so…

  • Dog eat dog: Moderna sues Pfizer over patent infringements

    Here are some news articles about it. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-27/moderna-sues-pfizer-for-patent-infringement-over-covid-vaccine/101378992 https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/26/health/moderna-pfizer-mrna-patent-lawsuit/index.html https://www.bbc.com/news/health-62691102 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/26/moderna-sues-rival-vaccine-makers-pfizer-and-biontech That is all fine with me. I love it when dog eats dog. I hope Moderna will pay the damages bill when it is clear that the vaccines have caused more harm than good. Also note that Moderna had the patent on the spike…

  • Simple: More vax implies more hospitalizations, more ICU and more deaths

    Simple: More vax implies more hospitalizations, more ICU and more deaths

    From A NSW surveillance reports. have a good look and think about this data. it is per capita. it takes into account the proportion of people who have had 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 doses of vaccine. You are most likely to end up in hospital and ICU if you are more vaccinated. Why are we…

  • Parkinson’s disease and covid19

    Parkinson’s disease and covid19

    This is probably one of the main reasons I still do not want to get covid19. Could Covid19 lead to Parkinson’s disease in people just like the 1918 (Spanish) Flu did, some 4 to 8 years after. This chap is the expert on Parkinson’s but I think I can update him by saying that we…

  • Vaccine is not a dirty word. Cowpox (vaccinia) lead to smallpox vaccine and eradication of smallpox.

    Vaccine is not a dirty word. Cowpox (vaccinia) lead to smallpox vaccine and eradication of smallpox.

    The Covid mRNA vaccine and how it was politically manipulated and mandated onto people has given vaccines a bad name. Actually I think I should have titled this, “Vaccine was not a dirty word”, after what has happened with the covid19 vaccines. The irony is that the covid vaccines could have worked if they were…

  • MPX spreads from human to dog.

    People. Wake up from your covid vaccine bs. You need to start paying attention NOW. This is not a gay disease and even if it was it will not be for long before it gets into the general community, and into pets. This is pandemic number 2 coming. Make no mistake. Learn about it from…