#LetItRip Australia
Australia went from #zerocovid to one of the deadliest places on Earth in 9 months. The other day Australia had 57 covid deaths from a total of 918 in the world. That is 5.8% of all covid deaths in the world are in Australia. For each death there will be more than 100 times #longcovid…
Omicron BA.1, BA.2,BA.4, BA.5, BA.12, then omicron recombinants deltacron, Omicron XA, XB, XC, XD, XE, … , XW, XX, XY, XZ, XAA, XAB, … , etc., BC.1, BC.2, BD.1, BD.1.1, etc.
Most people would have heard of “deltracron’, a recombinant variant made from the omicron and delta variants. I do not know if deltracron has survived. Most people would also have heard of the recombinant Omicron XE, which is a recombinant of Omicron BA.1 and BA.2. The status of Omicron XE is also unknown. Why are…
You are more likely to get re-infected with omicron if you have had covid and/or are vaccinated and reinfection effects are cumulative.
The first part of video is good info about omicron symptoms. I do not agree with get booster, that she throws in in the middle, because as I wrote yesterday the vaccine is more likely to land you in hospital than covid. Interestingly Omicron replicates inside the human body 70 times faster than previous variants.…
What is the difference between Taiwan, Portugal and Australia
Taiwan is fighting with the deadlier variant BA.2.2 that swept Hong Kong and got into China. Hence more deaths. Portugal is dealing with the more virulent BA.5.1, which is only just starting to grow in Europe and Australia. Holding it’s own against BA.5. Australia is play pretend there is no covid. #letitrip Below, you can…
Covid jab more likely to land you in hospital than covid itself.
Senior Editor Peter Doshi of the BMJ (British Medical Journal) has concluded that the covid jab is more likely to land you in hospital with a serious adverse event than protect you from Covid, based on Pfizer and Moderna’s trial data. The new study shows over 8 per 10,000 net increase in hospitalization following vaccination.…
3 new emerging serious issues with SARS-CoV2.
The first is that infection does not stop you from getting re-infected with the new omicron variants. The record for reinfection I believe is 8 days now. It is also becoming apparent that the more you get infected, the greater the damage that covid19 can do to you. In other words, repeated infections act cumulatively.…
McGowan thinks 1800-3600 deaths a year is okay. #Letitrip
In Western Australia, there are about 5 to 10 deaths a day, and the numbers are rising as well. This is 1800 to 3600 deaths a year in WA, and Premier McGowan wants to stop doing daily updates. This is plan ridiculous. It was okay to publish daily data when it was zeros but not…
Covid ICU surge in Israel
Israel is reporting a surge in critically ill patients to covid19. There was a 70% jump in the number of critically ill from last week. I can only put this surge down to growing prevalence to the new variants BA.4 BA.5 and BA.5.1. This is strange because in South Africa BA.4 and BA.5 seemed to…
Excess deaths in Australia are up by a lot
This is from a site that tracks excess deaths in countries. Here is the link. https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=104676 These deaths are on top of covid19 deaths. Australia was averaging about 400 deaths a year to covid at the start of 2022, so what are all these other deaths? There are 400 to 1000 more each week. There…
Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 are making their move in Australia
The next wave of BA.4 and BA.5 variants of Omicron or B.2* are now making their move in Australia. Their prevalence may be close to 20% right now. 3% over the last 60 days but growing fast. NSW seems to be leading the charge. Hopefully this wave is milder still but there is still a…