Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: virus

  • Monkeypox update

    Monkeypox update

    Now 900 confirmed cases in 28 countries. 971 confirmed and suspected cases in 39 countries. Australia has 5 cases. Now more than doubling every 5 days. Projecting from this, in 50 days we will have 900 x 210 = 921,600 cases (24 July), 1.8+ million (31 July), 943 million by 12 September 2022, 1.8+ billion…

  • Does influenza vaccine increase risk of covid and vice versa?

    Does influenza vaccine increase risk of covid and vice  versa?

    The answer to the former question is yes. If you have the Influenza vaccine it interferes with your immune system to respond to covid19. This data came from looking at military personal who were vaccinated in the 2017-2018 period. What they found was that there was a 36% increase in your getting covid if you…

  • Is this Monkeypox virus bio-engineered?

    Is this  Monkeypox virus bio-engineered?

    This Monkeypox virus in Europe and America is very different to the Monkey Pox virus last seen back to 2018-19. There are too many mutations for it to be natural. Read below. “There are 50 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms): 50 changes in the genetics of the virus from the last isolated samples in Europe in…

  • Why are the WHO and the MSM playing down the Monkeypox outbreak?

    Why are the WHO and the MSM playing down the Monkeypox outbreak?

    I am getting suspicious now. Both the WHO and MSM are blaming gay men and playing the monkeypox outbreak down. WHY? To allow it to spread? Maybe. The WHO loves pandemics/work. The MSM can be bought, as we found out with covid19. Money talks. The WHO also wants countries to sign up to its new…

  • “Monkeypox” virus outbreak in the UK (and Nigeria) 7 in UK, 8 in Spain

    “Monkeypox” virus outbreak in the UK (and Nigeria) 7 in UK, 8 in Spain

    update 20May 2022: Since the recent UK cases were identified, 23 suspected cases have been identified in Spain, and five in Portugal, where at least 20 further cases are suspected. People would take the coronavirus bioweapon more seriously is they knew it was a bioweapon made in a lab with at least 4 genetic insertions…