Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Why are the WHO and the MSM playing down the Monkeypox outbreak?

I am getting suspicious now. Both the WHO and MSM are blaming gay men and playing the monkeypox outbreak down. WHY?

To allow it to spread? Maybe. The WHO loves pandemics/work. The MSM can be bought, as we found out with covid19. Money talks. The WHO also wants countries to sign up to its new Pandemic Response Treaty, which it does not deserve. So to do this it needs to let the virus spread a bit more. They are just playing it cool. Or maybe it is the Covid vaccinated who are catching and spreading the monkeypox virus, and they all need to keep this quiet as the covid pandemic is still going, and there are a lot of jabs to off-load still. $$ 😉

This article (below) says:

“Monkeypox has now been detected in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.” (sic)


I saw that article above like 12 minutes ago. How come they don’t have Austria, Switzerland, Israel and Argentina. That makes it 16 countries where it is not endemic. And what if we add to this about 10 countries in Africa where it is active too.

And how is a not so infectious, with the virus spreading so far and wide and all in just over a week?

Here is the MSM and WHO blaming gay men having sex with other men (denoted MSM too). I don’t buy it, as it is in 5 continents and Israel now. What continent is Israel in? Over 100 cases and about 16 countries. I do NOT buy it. Maybe this is just a smokescreen to allow it to spread before we take any action. ??


None of this makes much sense to me. There is something fishy going on.

How can they be blaming gay men (They also use the abbreviation MSM for that. lol._, when there is a child in intensive care in the UK with monkeypox? I just do not buy all of this.


This (below) was just a think-tank exercise but it is funny they chose monkeypox as the contagion/pathogen and for it to start in May 2022. No? It could be a coincidence but let’s note it anyhow.

This was a study conducted in 2021 of a ‘hypothetical’ new pandemic. They do this all of the time. It is weird that they chose #monkeypox as the virus/pathogen and 15 May 2022 as the starting date. The first case was detected in London on 7 May 2022. I have the whole report if anyone wants a copy.

May be an image of text that says 'NOVEMBER 2021 NTI Paper Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats Results from the 2021 Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conference SUMMARY In IMarh 2021, NTI partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct tabletop exercise reducing high consequence biological threats. Theexe examined gaps national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures -exploring opportunities improve prevention and response capabilities for high consequence biological events. summarizes exercise scenario, key findings from discussion, actionable recommendations for the international community. Jaime M. Yassif, Ph.D. Kevin O'Prey, Ph.D. Christopher R. Isaac, M.Sc. NTI:bio'
No photo description available.

I found this interesting guy who worked with monkeypox, or poxy viruses anyhow. Actually thanks to a friend Kelwyn, who sent me the above too.

An excerpt from this.

“His lab aimed to use poxviruses as vectors to deliver gene therapy, vaccines and anti-viral drugs, and find ways to protect against poxviruses should they be turned into weapons of bioterrorism. He also studied a number of other viruses that are extremely lethal, such as SARS.” (sic)

“After 9-11, Buller became a sought-after authority on bioterrorism, whose work was described in journalist Richard Preston’s book about biological weapons, “The Demon in the Freezer.” He was a member of multiple national committees and governmental advisory groups, some that advised the intelligence community on biodefense.” (sic)

I wonder who knocked him off his bicycle.


I have also previously speculated that maybe people who have had the covid vaccines may have altered of damage immune systems that is unable to cope with the monkeypox virus. See my other posts and blogs. The MSN and the WHO would have to hide that especially as the covid pandemic to far from over. What a nightmare we find ourselves in.


8 responses to “Why are the WHO and the MSM playing down the Monkeypox outbreak?”

  1. Dr Norman Swan on ABC just admitted it spreads as respiratory virus as well from lesions/sores, which is what I have already stated is the case. We just do not know if it is aerosol as yet.

    So in meantime we need to isolate the infected and do contact tracing asap everywhere. It will be difficult because people are infective for longer than covid, and we do not know if they are also infectious before showing symptoms of if asymptomatic are infectious as well.

    see video in this post.


  2. The World Health Organisation says there is no need for mass Monkeypox vaccinations – despite a global outbreak.

    Experts say good hygiene and safe sexual behaviour will help control the spread of the virus.

    Looks like the hand-washing experts are at work at the WHO again. We cannot rule out it is a respiratory disease which is slightly different from the previously known monkeypox. They also do not consider it might also involve aerosols like with covid.


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