Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: asymptomatic

  • The person who recently contracted Polio in the USA developed paralysis

    The person who recently contracted Polio in the USA developed paralysis

    The Main Stream Media (MSM) did not tell people that the person (a young adult) who recently contracted Polio in the USA developed paralysis, and that most cases are asymptomatic. More HERE. This suggests there are many more people out there in New York infected with the poliovirus, as most are asymptomatic. They have known…

  • North Korea has covid19 outbreak

    North Korea has covid19 outbreak

    North Korea has reported that it has had a covid19 outbreak. North Korea’s borders have been tightly sealed since January 2020 to keep the virus out, making it even more isolated from the rest of the world, than usual. But the Omicron variant somehow found its way in. The source of the outbreak has not…

  • The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    This pandemic was/is the worst mismanaged catastrophic event in human history imaginable, and it is not over yet. We had 3 great chances to end the pandemic by starving the virus completely. Without human contact the virus has nowhere to go and is eliminated. The virus should also have never been made in the first…

  • How many people actually have covid? x20?

    How many people actually have covid? x20?

    I assumed that with vaccines masking/reducing/preventing symptomatic illness that there would be at least as many as counted cases who are asymptomatic and not counted. This article about the covid19 outbreak in Shanghai blew my socks off. “Shanghai on Tuesday reported 22,348 new asymptomatic coronavirus cases and 994 symptomatic cases for 11 April, the local…