Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: aerosols

  • Australia and New Zealand have gone from being the best in the world to the worst in the world.

    Australia and New Zealand have gone from being the best in the world to the worst in the world.

    I still cannot understand why Australia and New Zealand gave away #zerocovid to “live with the virus”. Even in July 2021, the prospect of herd immunity by vaccination or whatever had been lost. The Delta variant was already too contagious to get herd immunity but Australia and New Zealand embarked on the idea of herd…

  • Covid is real. The ‘awake’ are sleep walking.

    Covid is real. The ‘awake’ are sleep walking.

    I am not pro-vax. I am a scientist though. I chose not to get vaccinated because of the science not because of any political bs. That aside covid is real and lots of people are needlessly dying, and a lot of fools who claim they are “awake” are fools. They are still sleeping. There is…

  • Masks should have stayed

    Masks should have stayed

    The latest biggest boo-boo made by Australia with its handling of covid was to remove the mask mandate. With winter approaching and the knowledge that the coronavirus loves the cold. It survives in environments for longer and is airborne. This is well know science now. To keep covid in check we should have kept the…

  • The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    The Covid19 pandemic nobody had to have

    This pandemic was/is the worst mismanaged catastrophic event in human history imaginable, and it is not over yet. We had 3 great chances to end the pandemic by starving the virus completely. Without human contact the virus has nowhere to go and is eliminated. The virus should also have never been made in the first…

  • WA thinking about removing masks indoors. Crazy. Suicidal.

    WA thinking about removing masks indoors. Crazy. Suicidal.

    That would be really stupid. Really really stupid. Western Australia is currently at 1,000,000 cases a day compared to the USA per capita. It is not a popularity contest. I know 87% of West Australia want masks to go, but that will be suicide. Like it or not, masks DO stop superspreading indoors. You can…

  • #Covid19. Do not forget about fomites and surfaces

    #Covid19. Do not forget about fomites and surfaces

    Being one of the architects who suggested that most #covid19 #superspreading events occurs #indoors and via #aerosols does not mean you can forget about the possibility of infection from fomites and surfaces. Not everyone gets infected in a superspreading event. In cooler weather the SARS-CoV2 virus (or novel coronavirus) can survive on lots of surfaces.…