Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: complacency

  • Taiwan chose to live with covid, just like Australia.

    Taiwan chose to live with covid, just like Australia.

    Seeing the hardship endured by the Chinese people in Shanghai, Taiwan which has roughly the same population as Australia decided to lift most restrictions and live with the virus. I would suggest more Taiwanese are wearing masks than Australians, who are completely complacent and so far in this pandemic has been lucky, lucky that omicron…

  • WA is the epicentre of Covid19 in the world and no masks

    WA is the epicentre of Covid19 in the world and no masks

    Western Australia keeps smashing it’s own world record. 17,057 new covid19 cases today. That is like 170,000 in Australia, 2.08 million cases a day in the USA, 8.82 million a day in India and people are completely fearless or stupid. 90% are not wearing masks and most that are are wearing surgical masks on their…

  • “Monkeypox” virus outbreak in the UK (and Nigeria) 7 in UK, 8 in Spain

    “Monkeypox” virus outbreak in the UK (and Nigeria) 7 in UK, 8 in Spain

    update 20May 2022: Since the recent UK cases were identified, 23 suspected cases have been identified in Spain, and five in Portugal, where at least 20 further cases are suspected. People would take the coronavirus bioweapon more seriously is they knew it was a bioweapon made in a lab with at least 4 genetic insertions…