Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: world

  • The only way to end the Covid pandemic now and forever

    The only way to end the Covid pandemic now and forever

    There are no two ways about this. The variants are mutating too fast to keep making new vaccines, and mRNA vaccines are not really safe. It has been suggested that we could target parts of the virus that do not mutate much but those parts are usually buried inside the virus and we need to…

  • We already are in World War III

    We already are in World War III

    Most people do not know that genes have basically stopped evolving for humans. If someone is ill, we heel them. Natural Selection in our species has all but gone. I would go as far as to say that most human beings are unhealthy people who would have died already. Even more people do not know…

  • “OurWorldInData” is now counting monkeypox (#MPX) deaths. 9 so far.

    According to “OurWorldInData” there have been 9 monkeypox virus deaths so far. The WHO said there were 5 in Africa. I see 4. I have already noted that India had a monkeypox death recently. So Spain seems to be the first “rich/western” country to have had a monkeypox virus death, 2 in fact. The number…

  • Governors of California and New York call State of Emergency over Monkeypox #MPX

    Governors of California and New York call State of Emergency over Monkeypox #MPX

    This might go bananas with states of emergencies. Are they going to mandate vaccines? Are they gong to call for lockdowns? Do they have any plan? Do they know what they are doing? The politicians made a right old mess with the covid19 pandemic. They did not follow the science but a path to empower…

  • WHO declares MPX an International Health Emergence

    WHO declares MPX an International Health Emergence

    I have been watching the numbers and they have been growing steady on a reclining exponential curve for 2 months. I would have called it a major concern months ago. Fortunately no-one in the rich countries has died from monkeypox but according to the WHO 5 people have died in Africa. I do not know…

  • First deaths from monkeypox reported. 5 dead ??

    First deaths from monkeypox reported. 5 dead ??

    While the numbers of monkeypox infections have been growing steadily, their doubling time has extended a bit too. It doubles every 12 days or so now. When it first appeared in was doubling every 3 or 4 days but quarantine, isolation, knowledge about spread and symptoms, and use of some drugs has slowed it down.…

  • Latest Covid Western Pandemic Wave

    Latest Covid Western Pandemic Wave

    With the 2 variants of Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 surging around the world (western world in any case) there has been a steady rise in case numbers in the world. Deaths are just starting to rise in response. Besides the variants BA.4 and BA.5, the large virus pools in these countries like Australia, United States,…

  • MPXV update 24 June 2022

  • #BREAKINGNEWS Covid, AIDS, Ebola, Monkeypox, Tuberculosis and now Polio

    #BREAKINGNEWS Covid, AIDS, Ebola, Monkeypox, Tuberculosis and now Polio

    We have had 2 1/2 years of Covid19. Recently there were cases of a more contagious form of AIDS and Ebola, followed by new child form of Hepatitis (now pinned to covid19), followed by SADS (Sudden Adult Death syndrome), then Monkeypox (MPX), then Tuberculosis appears in Europe and now we have Polio rearing its head…

  • MPX virus in 41 countries confirmed + 13 suspected. 3157 cases. NTI estimate on target.

    MPX virus in 41 countries confirmed + 13 suspected. 3157 cases. NTI estimate on target.

    Monkeypox is in 41 countries now confirmed plus another 13 unconfirmed. The total number of confirmed cases is 3157. 3275 if we include the unconfirmed suspected cases. Doubling is every 9 to 10 days. It seems to have stabilised on that figure for the last few weeks. If I take 9.5 days as the doubling…