Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: outbreak

  • EBOLA outbreak in Uganda: 29 dead in last 2 weeks

    EBOLA outbreak in Uganda: 29 dead in last 2 weeks

    Don’t worry there is no vaccine for this so we will not have worry the politician playing God this time around. There is no cure for Ebola, there is no vaccine and the case fatality rate is about 50% plus, so you will die or regret surviving. This is serious stuff. Forget about McGowan and…

  • China is only just clinging onto zerocovid

    China is only just clinging onto zerocovid

    There is growing concern that there may be an explosive outbreak of covid19 in China. This follows a new outbreak in Beijing from a single bar. A spokesperson for the city’s government said a recent outbreak “The recent outbreak … is strongly explosive in nature and widespread in scope“ Meanwhile Shanghai went into a snap…

  • Monkeypox now over 400 confirmed cases in 24/25 countries.

    Monkeypox now over 400 confirmed cases in 24/25 countries.

    The WHO continues to play it down. Anti-vaxxers think it is a hoax to get people into a panic to inject them with more ‘poison’. They are asleep and claim they are awake. Some anti-vaxxers claim it is a side-effect of the Pfizer vaccine. It is not. It has been observed and numerous mutations have…

  • Russia asserts monkeypox came out of a USA biolab in Nigeria.

    Russia asserts monkeypox came out of a USA biolab in Nigeria.

    Russia asserts that monkeypox came from a USA biolab in Nigeria. The USA has 4 biolabs in Nigeria in Lagos, Abuja, and Zaria. This is interesting because the WHO has also said it believes the current monkeypox virus came out of Nigeria. A laboratory made monkeypox is also consistent with the fact that the current…

  • Legionnaires Disease outbreak in Sydney CBD

    Legionnaires Disease outbreak in Sydney CBD

    There has been a legionnaires disease outbreak in Sydney CBD. The details of the outbreak are in the news report attached. I am more interested to know how it spread and what exactly it is. Legionnaires’ disease is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any species of Legionella bacteria, quite often Legionella pneumophila. Signs and…

  • “Monkeypox” virus outbreak in the UK (and Nigeria) 7 in UK, 8 in Spain

    “Monkeypox” virus outbreak in the UK (and Nigeria) 7 in UK, 8 in Spain

    update 20May 2022: Since the recent UK cases were identified, 23 suspected cases have been identified in Spain, and five in Portugal, where at least 20 further cases are suspected. People would take the coronavirus bioweapon more seriously is they knew it was a bioweapon made in a lab with at least 4 genetic insertions…

  • North Korea has covid19 outbreak

    North Korea has covid19 outbreak

    North Korea has reported that it has had a covid19 outbreak. North Korea’s borders have been tightly sealed since January 2020 to keep the virus out, making it even more isolated from the rest of the world, than usual. But the Omicron variant somehow found its way in. The source of the outbreak has not…

  • What is going to happen in China?

    What is going to happen in China?

    China is in a real tight spot right now. It wants to maintain #zerocovid for good reason but omicron seems to be so infective and it has some of the densest population areas in the world, and more importantly most of these areas live and work inside where aerosols are most active. 97% of all…