Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: heart

  • The best spin bowler in the world, Shane Warne, died in vain

    The best spin bowler in the world, Shane Warne, died in vain

    You seriously could not make this shit up. The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has revealed it did not know of heart risks until five months after approving vaccines for use. So this means that they knew in May 2021. So why did they not stop the vaccines then? And how about Prof.…

  • Science is about questioning not censoring

    Science is about questioning not censoring

    The Surgeon General of Florida USA has been censored by Twitter for telling people there has been an 84% increase in heart issue with young males and that he recommends that people under the age of 40 should no longer get the mRNA vaccines. If I was to post this on Facebook I would be…

  • SADS-Sudden Adult Death Syndrome-It’s a mystery

    SADS-Sudden Adult Death Syndrome-It’s a mystery

    They are all acting like that have no idea why this is suddenly happening more frequently. Maybe it’s the diet of young people, not enough exercise, too much time on their mobile phone, or whatever. A syndrome. FFS. SADS! I guess they checked to see if these people had covid? “The heartbroken mother of a…