Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: shanghai

  • What is going to happen in China?

    What is going to happen in China?

    China is in a real tight spot right now. It wants to maintain #zerocovid for good reason but omicron seems to be so infective and it has some of the densest population areas in the world, and more importantly most of these areas live and work inside where aerosols are most active. 97% of all…

  • How many people actually have covid? x20?

    How many people actually have covid? x20?

    I assumed that with vaccines masking/reducing/preventing symptomatic illness that there would be at least as many as counted cases who are asymptomatic and not counted. This article about the covid19 outbreak in Shanghai blew my socks off. “Shanghai on Tuesday reported 22,348 new asymptomatic coronavirus cases and 994 symptomatic cases for 11 April, the local…