Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: letitrip

  • Welcome to BE.1

    Welcome to BE.1

    A new variant is in NSW BE.1 that is even more infectious than BA.4 and BA.5. You can see in the graph below it is growing with respect to BA.4 and BA.5. As noted earlier (see below) the number of Omicron variants has exploded, with so many new names. I estimated some time ago that…

  • The Vaccine Mandates must end Immediately

    The Vaccine Mandates must end Immediately

    I have been against the vaccine mandates from the start because they violate human rights and are experimental. In addition is was clear even then that #vaccinehavefailed. In January I used the NSW data (thank God for the COVID-19 Critical Intelligence Unit) to show that in the first week on January 98.6% of all covid19…