Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: influenza

  • Victoria to end isolation rules for Covid

    Victoria to end isolation rules for Covid

    I wonder how long this will last? I think their hospitals will be overwhelmed. Plus covid19 is not the flu. It is killing 20 Victorians a day right now. That is 7000 people a year. We may as well relax speeding rules, seatbelts, and drinking driving too. Only a few hundred more will die on…

  • Does influenza vaccine increase risk of covid and vice versa?

    Does influenza vaccine increase risk of covid and vice  versa?

    The answer to the former question is yes. If you have the Influenza vaccine it interferes with your immune system to respond to covid19. This data came from looking at military personal who were vaccinated in the 2017-2018 period. What they found was that there was a 36% increase in your getting covid if you…

  • Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus

    Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus

    Both major parties have thrown the elderly under the bus, and buried their heads in the sand. So what if 50 people a day die from Covid19? Most of them are old, and a few young people, so what, we have already killed lots of young people with the vaccine? 50 deaths a day and…