Excess deaths in Australia are up by a lot
This is from a site that tracks excess deaths in countries. Here is the link. https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=104676 These deaths are on top of covid19 deaths. Australia was averaging about 400 deaths a year to covid at the start of 2022, so what are all these other deaths? There are 400 to 1000 more each week. There…
Why does Australia have so many excess deaths and why did it stop reporting excess deaths?
Australia is on top of the charts in the world when it comes to covid cases per capita, and these cases will be followed by more deaths. We can expect more deaths in Australia to come. Or perhaps Australia is hiding its covid deaths like it has done before. And why is Australia not sharing…
Australia makes deal with Moderna to make 100 million vaccines a year for 10 years.
100 million mRNA vaccines a year for 10 years. Say what?