Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: damage

  • Longcovid


    Most Australians were deceived by their governments. (I preciously have “Australians are morons for allowing covid in”, but had to change it as Facebook gave me 29 days jail for saying that even though, I am Australian. It was deemed against community standard, “hate-speech”. Wtf?) We were zerocovid for 18 months and then Scott Morrison…

  • Want to catch Covid19? “It’s just the flu.” Your brain could age 20 years.

    Want to catch Covid19? “It’s just the flu.” Your brain could age 20 years.

    I have already written much about how the coronavirus (and vaccines) are a real concern for brain damage and how Parkinson’s disease followed the 1918 Flu for up to 8 years later. Brain damage is always the last to surface. This study, published in New Scientist says covid19 could age your brain 20 years. Or…