Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Tag: children

  • Mysterious outbreak of INDUCED hepatitis in children in USA, UK, Denmark, Netherlands and Spain

    Mysterious outbreak of INDUCED hepatitis in children in USA, UK, Denmark, Netherlands and Spain

    Everyone on twitter is suggesting it could be a delayed covid reaction, and there is some evidence from children in India to support this, but it could also be a vaccine reaction too. We know that the spike protein gets into the liver and even affects the DNA inside cells in the liver. So here…

  • Looks like Australia is going to let the virus rip.

    Looks like Australia is going to let the virus rip.

    This was posted by Queensland Senator Rennick (who daughter suffered from the Pfizer vaccine 🙁 ). Anyhow it looks like they (the Australian Government) are going to open up the floodgates now and let all the variants from all around the world, 54+1 omicron variants and growing fast, and at least one still active Deltarcron…

  • How many people actually have covid? x20?

    How many people actually have covid? x20?

    I assumed that with vaccines masking/reducing/preventing symptomatic illness that there would be at least as many as counted cases who are asymptomatic and not counted. This article about the covid19 outbreak in Shanghai blew my socks off. “Shanghai on Tuesday reported 22,348 new asymptomatic coronavirus cases and 994 symptomatic cases for 11 April, the local…