In 2021 there were a few documented cases of reinfection with covid, but the rate of reinfection has now confirmed it to be quite common. This means that there is no natural immunity.
Even if a person was to develop natural immunity to one variant, they can get re-infected with another variant. There are currently over 700 variants of Omicron. They are not all directly related to Omicron B.1.1.529 (of BA.1). The World Health Organisation stopped giving some of the new variants of concern a new Greek letter because they were either lazy or are now deliberately downplaying the covid pandemic. BA.2, BA.5, BA.4, BQ.1, BQ.1.1, BF.7, BA.2.75, XBB.1, among other variants of omicron, are considered to be variants in their own right by scientists.
The record for a person to get re-infected with SARS-CoV2 was 20 days in mid 2022 but that record has been now broken repeatedly as more and more immune escaping variants of omicron hit the population.
Reinfection after 14 days
There are likely to be many people who may not even know that have been reinfected, because they were not tested (governments in the West are now deliberately restricting testing for covid to hide this fact) or one of their infections may have been mild or asymptomatic.
In most Western countries most people have been infected at least once with covid, yet the cases numbers are still substantial. This suggests that many people are being reinfected. It would help if governments around the world kept a tally of how many people are being reinfected, but as I have said over and over again, they are now playing the new narrative “that covid has disappeared like a miracle”. Meanwhile the so-called ‘woke’ are being played yet again and they are sleeping just like the sheeple have been. This suits many of ‘the woke’, whose narrative for most is that either covid is just the flu (which it is not), or it is all one big lie, so this is why most of these people are sleeping through this right now.
Serology tests in the UK show that 75% to 98% of people have antibodies to covid.
Two-thirds of people with omicron say they’ve had Covid before, English study reports
The longest time a person was infected with covid is recorded to be 505 days.
The first recorded person who was carrying more than one variants of SARS-CoV2 at the same time was in Brazil in March 2021 (actually January 2021) but the probability of carrying 2 or more variants/strains of covid simultaneously is now not that exceptional. Potentially dangerous recombinant variants form when a person is simultaneously infected by 2 or more strains/variants. This happens when the virus is reproducing itself inside the same cell and 2 or more variants are involved. The two strains are crossed over. Crossover has the potential to make quantum leaps in genetic phase space, whereas mutations generally involve the changing of just one gene.
Recombinant variants are potentially dangerous, as they can be well removed from the two variants/subvariants they were made from.
We have had a number of recombinant variants so far.
Deltacron was a recombinant of the Delta variant and Omicron BA.1.
Omicron XE was a crossover between Omicron BA.1 and Omicron BA.2.
Currently we have the worrisome recombinants XBB and XBC.
XBB was formed from a crossover of the two variants of concern BA.2.75 and BA.2 (more specifically, from the highly infectious BA.2.10.1 and BA.2.75). Many experts are concerned that XBB may have a much higher case fatality rate (CFR) than mutated variants of Omicron.
Why is everyone freaking out about XBB?
Here is some more info on XBB.
XBB COVID variant presents a unique threat: study
Both XBB and BQ.1.1 are also showing resistance to monoclonal antibodies, a treatment used for COVID patients.
XBC is a recombinant of the Delta variant and Omicron BA.2. It was first detected in The Philippines and has been around for some time now but has not been thrashed by any of the current contagious infectious variants of Omicron. Let us not forget that the Delta variant had a CFR some 20 time that of Omicron. I consider it to be potentially a very dangerous variant.
There are also other recombinant variants floating round, like
XE •XG •XH •XJ •XK •XL •XM •XN •XP •XQ •XR •XT •XU •XV •XW •XY •XZ •XAA •XAB •XAC •XAD •XAE •XAF •XAG •XAH •XAJ •XAK •XAL •XAM •XAN •XAP •XAQ •XAR •XAS •XAT •XAU •XAV •XAZ •XBB •XBD •XBE •XBF •XBG •XBH •XBJ •XBK •XBB.1 •XBB.1.1 •XBB.1.2 •XBB.1.3 •XBB.1.4 •XBB.1.4.1 •XBB.1.5 •XBB.1.6 •XBB.2 •XBB.3 •XBB.3.1 •XBB.4 •XBB.4.1 •XBB.5
And let’s us not forget that the SARS-Cov2 virus can crossover with the deadly MERS virus (CFR 40%), especially in a world that has become so complacent with covid infections, making dual infections, and crossover, very possible.

The covid complacent in ‘the woke’ and the covid complacent supporters in the government’s new narrative like to quote the oft quoted quote that a virus gets weaker as it mutates. Even though this is generally true it is not a guaranteed truth. A virus can mutate to a more virulent strain. The problem with ‘the woke’ is that they are not very scientific but like to selectively pick up on things that supports their narrow-minded, unscientific, and unsubstantiated, narrative that covid is just the flu. Well, I am telling them right now that crossover is a completely different kettle of fish, as mutation generally change one gene at a time, whereas crossover can change up to 50 % of the genes. They need to wake up fast, for they are not awake yet, and the danger of a virulent crossover variant is very real.
Why are reinfections important? they are important because every time you get covid it increases the damage to your immune system, and in particular it damages your T cells.
Added 5 Jan. 2023. And here is the dooms-day graph, showing the more reinfections the greater the health risks.