Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Moderna funded research finds negative vaccine efficacies.

My claims that vaccines have negative efficacy is vindicated by Moderna’s own research. A negative vaccine efficacy means that you are more likely to contract covid than an unvaccinated person.


Three dose (booster) recipients are more likely to be infected in the first 2 weeks following vaccination. I have been singing this tune since late 2021. And in January/February 2022, using data from NSW, I showed that it extending beyond 2 weeks as well when compared properly to the unvaccinated. Some of this has to do with behaviour as well, as the vaccinated are more complacent. The whole way we administered the vaccines was WRONG. The Governments, on advice from the 2 CMO’s of Australia, Paul Kelly and Brendan Murphpy, and from the head of the TGA John Skerritt, encouraged people to get vaccinated by giving them special freedoms, some where so ridiculous I can cry, “The vaccinated can go to bars”, “the unvaccinated can now go to bars too, but must be seated while drinking”, “only the vaccinated can drink while standing”, and now “let’s pretend the virus has gone”.

It is also interesting to note form the above table that the 3-dose vaccianted become more negative than the 2-dose vaccinated after 3 months, which implies the vaccine has weakened their immune system.

Here’s is the research PAPER for the above.

You can also see from the above paper that any positive efficacy of the vaccine is short-lived (about 2 months) which means you have to continually get the jab, risking your health each time, and going through another negative efficacy period. The person’s behaviour will also exacerbate the situation.

I have noted previously that the higher the number of vaccine doses the more likely you are to be hospitalized with covid19, and in general as well.


This data does NOT take into account the fact that many vulnerable people are also dying from the vaccine directly.

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