NZ ends vaccine mandates and passports on 4 April 2022, and even though WA has a record number of cases per day, WA also needs to end vaccine mandates and passports too. Vaccines offer little protection now and the there are adverse reactions to vaccines. A booster will increase the efficacy of a vaccine in you to 70% after 2 weeks but will warn quickly down to 30% after 2 months and go negative after 3 months against omicron. It is not possible to vaccinate everyone every 2-3 months in any case, and scientists are now suggesting that maybe it is time for the vaccinated to get infected and develop natural immunity on top of their vaccine immunity while they still have some protection from the rapidly waning vaccines.
At the same time vaccine passports which were never justified need to end as well. They were never justified and actually helped the spread of the coronavirus even more, because it lead to what I called “vaccine complacency” and the development of a large active virus pool.
Most people do not realise that vaccines are not perfect as they do not stop infection and transmission. The effect of this is that there are a lot of vaccinated people who are infected who are infected other vaccinated people and this dynamical situation results in what I have called a “virus pool“. The number of actively infected people in the UK is about 1.5 million people, as far as we know. The actual virus pool may be much bigger than this because there are many many people who are asymptomatic. I would suggest that the virus poll in the UK may be as large as 3 to 6 million people. In WA that virus pool is (will be is a better way to put it) proportionally around 120,000 to 240,000 people. We will have about 120,000 to 240,000 people actively infected with covid19 at any one time. That is life. That is a result of the fact that vaccines are not perfect. Most of these people will be fully vaccinated as well. About one half will be asymptomatic carriers. Putting this another way, once things settle, covid will still be living amongst us and 1 in 20 (and up to 1 in 10) people will be carrying the virus.
So the notion of using vaccine passports or passes is a complete nonsense. Vaccine passports, or the rewarding of people who got vaccinated, is what lead to vaccine complacency and virus pools.
In the first week of 2022, 98.6% of all new (and hence existing) cases of covid19 were fully vaccinated (2 doses at that time). That percentage blows out to 99.5% if we were to include people vaccinated with one dose. Only 0.5% of all new cases were unvaccinated adults. This makes a complete mockery of vaccine passports.
Proponents of vaccines will argue that without vaccine protection people can still develop #longcovid or sustain organ damage. That is true and unfortunate. We should have thought about this before be threw away #zerocovid like fools. The virus is now part of our lives. It cannot be eliminated and herd immunity was never possible after the Delta variant anyhow. It is certainly not possible now with the Omicron variant which is 3 to 4 times more infectious, and more infectious subvariants of Omicron will develop as was the case with the delta variant. Before omicron came along delta had developed 243 sub-lineages (like AY.4.2 which was just before omicron looking like the most infectious delta subvariant). Omicron already has 21 subvariants.
Omicron is far from safe as it still contain fragments of the bioweapon that was developed in Wuhan. I have already posted an article about omicron and why it was made in a laboratory.
The facts are that omicron is so infectious and vaccines are so ineffective to it we have no choice but to live with the virus now. This was always Scott Morrison’s intention, and that of his henchmen Brendan Murphy, the CMO Paul Kelly et al. We will probably finish up with millions of people who will be affected by covid19 for life, but there is little we can do about it now.
To me the most unfortunate things about all of this is that a lot of old people will die, but Scott Morrison et al never cared when he offered them the least effective vaccine #astrazeneca when they were the most vulnerable. He then let the virus loose but persuading Gladys Berejiklian, the then Premier of NSW, to let the virus loose. What surprised me is that the ALP leaders of Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia all followed suit and all jumped into the lake. I know we had to open up sooner of later but if we waited a bit longer the coronavirus may have weakened even further and I did like #zerocovid fortress WA living. Opening the borders and allowing the virus in had harmed the economy and the Premier Mark McGowan was well warned by me countless times. When Scott Morrison unleashed the coronavirus in Australia the dominant variant was delta which had a case fatality rate of around 2%, about 20 times worse than omicron. In a sense omicron may have saved us somewhat from more deaths from covid19 and the tyrannical bullshit we all endured at the hands of our leaders who violated our basic human rights. Shame on all of Australia’s leaders.

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6 responses to “It is time to end all vaccine mandates and vaccine passports NOW”
News article telling us NZ plans to end vaccine mandates and vaccine passports on 4 April 2022.
Omicron now has 54 subvariants.
Omicron now has 73 subvariants.
this is good. it exposes the lack of any studies in america to test natural immunity. the israeli data says it is 27 times better than vaccine immunity.
[…] Efficacy of vaccine to Omicron is -270%, yes, negative. It is time to end all vaccine mandates and vaccine passports NOW […]
[…] It is time to end all vaccine mandates and vaccine passports NOW […]