Dr George Christos

covid19 & other Infectious diseases

Category: ebola malburg

  • EBOLA outbreak in Uganda: 29 dead in last 2 weeks

    EBOLA outbreak in Uganda: 29 dead in last 2 weeks

    Don’t worry there is no vaccine for this so we will not have worry the politician playing God this time around. There is no cure for Ebola, there is no vaccine and the case fatality rate is about 50% plus, so you will die or regret surviving. This is serious stuff. Forget about McGowan and…

  • First deaths from monkeypox reported. 5 dead ??

    First deaths from monkeypox reported. 5 dead ??

    While the numbers of monkeypox infections have been growing steadily, their doubling time has extended a bit too. It doubles every 12 days or so now. When it first appeared in was doubling every 3 or 4 days but quarantine, isolation, knowledge about spread and symptoms, and use of some drugs has slowed it down.…

  • New deadly nose-bleed virus found in Tanzania.

    #BREAKINGNEWS Scientists are trying to identify this new virus which leads to nose bleeds and results in death. It is in the same family as Ebola, Malburg and Lassa Fever but is new. Note much in known so far except that is is a haemorrhagic fever like virus but it is not Ebola or Malburg. So…

  • Malburg cases in Ghana. CFR 90%

    Malburg cases in Ghana. CFR 90%

    The Malburg virus, which is in the ebole family. These are marked by severe bleeding (haemorrhage), organ failure and, in many cases, death. These viruses are native to Africa, where sporadic outbreaks have occurred for decades. As noted above, Malburg recently flared up in Guinea in Africa. It has a case fatality rate (CFR) or death rate…